Student Success Team (SST)

Understanding the Student Success Team (SST)


The Student Success Team (SST) is often the first step a parent can take when they have a concern about their child’s progress in school. SST is a team of individuals invested in assisting a student who is experiencing difficulties. 


The purpose of the SST is to identify and intervene early with regular education students who have not already been identified as requiring federally mandated forms of academic support such as Special Education or Section 504 (of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) services. The SST meets to develop an understanding of the student’s strengths and problem areas, review resources and strategies available, and formulate a plan of intervention to resolve those problems in the regular classroom.


Through the SST process, teachers, parents, and support staff work with students who are at high risk for academic failure due to any number of reasons including poor attendance, truancy, discipline issues, behavior problems, or other unidentified factors.


Any student who is having difficulty in school or not reaching his or her potential and is not already requiring federally mandated forms of academic support can be referred to the SST. If you have concerns about your student's performance in school, please contact the Guidance Counselor or appropriate Campus Administrator.